Saturday, September 15, 2007

One of my first library experiences many years ago, included a blooper I will always remember.

I was teaching a group in a school library when two children arrived from another class asking for a Good News Bible.

Annoyed with the disruption to my well prepared lesson, I went to the beginning of the reference collection and scanned quickly for the title. Not finding anything with "Good News " my eyes fell on the spine of a big fat book which read Macintosh Bible. Relieved I had found something similar, I grabbed the book thrust it into the little hands of one of the children, and returned to my class.

Five minutes later, the two children returned with the book and a note from their teacher which read "I can use this book for my IT class next week, but it isn't much use for my RE lesson today" I then looked closely at the title - Macintosh Bible for Mac Users !!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

dragonlady said...

Gotta luv those legs !!