Sunday, January 6, 2008

Week 6

I have just finished week 6 and I found using really worthwhile and timesaving.

Last year I saved 3 sites on craft activities for children for Chinese New Year. I tagged them on and from there was able to access many other similiar sites. So within a very short space of time I had access to lots of new craft activities which would have taken ages to find searching the net.

I don't think I am up to the stage of tagging my blog using Tecnorati, but it was interesting reading about it and I will keep it in mind for the future.

After reading some articles on Web2.0 Library 2.0 I found a few areas Brimbank libraries could aspire to in the future, some of these would mean allocating the budget in a different direction , and some extending and developing on what we are alreading doing. For eg.

*Patrons being able to access a multitude(as in thousands) of electronic databases and cataloged eBooks
*MP3 players available for patron checkout with a new downloadable audiobook program *Training on how and when to use Google™ versus other electronic sources
*Network with other libraries, especially other library types (i.e., academic & school). *Make the most of your ILL capabilities
*Purchase more electronic content using local and state consortia to cut costs.

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